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AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.

Nishad Kinhikar

I am a 23-year-old MBA Graduate from India and an introverted travel enthusiast. Despite my shyness, I've discovered the beauty of connecting with others, and it has truly enriched my life. I love exploring new places, and my blog VeryFirstTale aims to share my personal adventures, stories and experiences. I hope to inspire my readers to step out of their comfort zones and create their own unforgettable tales. Join me on this journey as we explore the world together!

Nishad Kinhikar

Nishad Kinhikar

's blog posts

Embracing Social Impact: The AIESECer's Journey

Embracing Social Impact: The AIESECer's Journey

In a world which is filled with challenges and opportunities, being an AIESECer is not just about personal growth and global experiences. Rather, it is also a commitment to contribute socially and make a tangible difference. As members of the world’s largest youth-led organisation, we, as AIESECers, embark on a transformative journey by utilising our skills and passions to address the pressing global issues. Therefore, here are 4 ways through which we contribute socially during our terms by organising events that serve as important factors towards a positive change. 

How my AIESEC cultural exchange in Poland impacted my career in 5 ways!

How my AIESEC cultural exchange in Poland impacted my career in 5 ways!

At the age of 22, I decided to take a leap of faith and step outside of my comfort zone. ‍I embarked on a life-changing adventure with AIESEC, the world's largest youth-led organization, that took me to one of the most beautiful countries in Europe - Poland. And that too for six straight weeks. So what are you waiting for? Just like mine, yours can also be a turning and inspirational adventure. It might just be the turning point in your career and your life, just as it was for me. Embrace the unknown, for it has the power to unlock your potential and change your life forever.

Five professional benefits of joining AIESEC!

Five professional benefits of joining AIESEC!

Joining AIESEC isn't just signing up for an organization; it's embarking on a transformative journey. From widening your network and honing your leadership skills to gaining practical experiences and cultural intelligence, AIESEC offers a treasure trove of professional benefits.

Join AIESEC now and boost your CV in 5 ways!

Join AIESEC now and boost your CV in 5 ways!

Imagine stepping out of your comfort zone, exploring new cultures, and making a positive impact on the world while adding remarkable value to your resume. Sounds exciting, right? Well, that's exactly what AIESEC offers! As students, we all look for multiple ways to boost our CVs or relevant experiences and internships to make our CVs look excellent for our future plans. Not only this, we keep looking for ways through which we can enhance our personal & professional growth.